United States of Disparities

United States

One-day count

Data in this section show how many youth are detained, committed, or otherwise sleeping somewhere other than their homes per orders of the court on "any given day" in select years. Data is available for the nation and on a state-by-state basis, and are based upon one-day counts of youth in residential placement facilities conducted in 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2013, and 2015. Learn more »

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Year White Black Latino Native American Asian Other All youth of color All youth

Annual decision points

This section includes data at nine key juvenile justice annual decision points. Data are available at the county and state-level, but only for counties that report. This section allows you to view the data from many different angles and all of the data is broken down by race and ethnicity. Learn more »


Data not available for every year. (Why?)

Available years are those for which states have submitted data to OJJDP. States do not submit data on an annual basis.

Case flow diagram

Click on a decision-making point to see the data for that point. Click additional decision-making points to the graph to compare.

  1. Youth population

  • 1Comparison of arrest to population is rate per 1,000 youth. All other annual decision points are rate per 100 youth at the prior decision-making point.
  • 2Due to differences in how states define arrests and referrals to court, some states may have more referrals to court than arrests.
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Decision White Black Latino American Indian or Alaskan Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Asian Other All youth of color All youth

88 of 88 counties (Why?)

Originally, states were only required to examine three counties: those with the greatest proportions of minority youth within their juvenile population, as well as those that contained the greatest numbers of minority youth. Only recently has OJJDP required that states track DMC data for all potential DMC reduction sites on a regular basis (at least every 3 years). If a county is not a DMC reduction site, data may not be available.

Detention statute

Juvenile courts may hold delinquents in a secure detention facility if the court believes it is in the best interest of the community or the child. After arrest a youth is often brought to the local juvenile detention facility by law enforcement. Juvenile probation officers or detention workers review the case and decide if the juvenile should be held pending a hearing by a judge.

Jurisdiction ages

  • 0–17
  • Extended Age of Delinquency Jurisdiction: 20

Age of detention


Standard for detention

(C)(1) Except as provided in division (C)(2) of this section, a child taken into custody shall not be confined in a place of juvenile detention or placed in shelter care prior to the implementation of the court's final order of disposition, unless detention or shelter care is required to protect the child from immediate or threatened physical or emotional harm, because the child is a danger or threat to one or more other persons and is charged with violating a section of the Revised Code that may be violated by an adult, because the child may abscond or be removed from the jurisdiction of the court, because the child has no parents, guardian, or custodian or other person able to provide supervision and care for the child and return the child to the court when required, or because an order for placement of the child in detention or shelter care has been made by the court pursuant to this chapter.

(2) A child alleged to be a delinquent child who is taken into custody may be confined in a place of juvenile detention prior to the implementation of the court's final order of disposition if the confinement is authorized under section 2152.04 of the Revised Code or if the child is alleged to be a serious youthful offender under section 2152.13 of the Revised Code and is not released on bond.

Detention hearing timeline

Ohio Rev. Code § 2151.314.

Promptly and no later than 72 hours after detention.


Please email Anna Wong with any updates to contact information for your DMC coordinator, JJS coordinator, or DMC subcommittee chair.

DMC coordinator

Kristi Oden
Department of Youth Services
51 North High Street, 6th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-3031
Phone: 614-644-7738
Fax: 614-728-4680


JJS coordinator

Kristi Oden
Department of Youth Services
51 North High Street, 6th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-3031
Phone: 614-644-7738
Fax: 614-728-4680

DMC subcommittee chair

There is currently no DMC subcommittee chair

Reform efforts

States that wish to post their most recent three-year plans or share other relevant publications about their reform work should contact Anna Wong. We would be happy to link to relevant documents and information.

DMC reform efforts

  • Allen County DMC 45804 Initiative Program
  • Cuyahoga County Golden Ciphers Program
  • Cuyahoga County Intensive In Home Treatment to Prevent DMC Program
  • Cuyahoga County YMCA of Greater Cleveland Teen Court and Leadership Program
  • Franklin County Anger Management Options
  • Franklin County Second Opportunity for Success Program
  • Hamilton County Crossroads Family Strengthening Program
  • Hamilton County Mentoring Impact Program
  • Lucas County Family Ties Program
  • Lucas County Paraclete Social Outreach
  • Lucas County Police Probation Team
  • Mahoning County, Youngstown DMC Diversion Officer
  • Montgomery County DMC Diversion Program
  • Richland County DMC Reduction Program
  • Stark County Community Support and Diversion
  • Summit County Juvenile Court Diversion
  • Trumbull County Truancy Intervention Program
  • Clark County STARS Program
  • Cuyahoga County Bellefaire JCB Building DMC Prevention into School
  • Cuyahoga County Finish First Program

State plan

There is no link available to the current State Plan

During 2012 through 2014, the primary focus of Ohio’s DMC Initiative will be on system improvement activities, which also includes the Statewide DMC Assessment. Funding for programmatic activities will be limited to select pilot programs targeted at reduction strategies specific to decision points and/or evidence based activities. Additionally, the state will target law enforcement agencies, to reduce the high numbers of arrests, by providing additional training and increasing their capacity to accurately capture data. Agencies that do not report DMC data or report not collecting data by race will be targeted for systems improvement activities.

Also during the coming period, DYS will work to align DMC to JDAI activities to foster greater reductions in the number of minority youth held in detention. Of the 14 counties participating in DMC, five are also participating in the Anne E. Casey JDAI Initiative.

State Advisory Group (SAG)

Governor's Council on Juvenile Justice: The council shall serve as the state advisory group for the Title II formula grant per Section 223 of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (hereafter referred to as JJDP) Act of 2002, 42, U.S.C. 5633. The council shall serve as the state advisory group for the Title V incentive grants for local delinquency prevention programs per Section 504 of the JJDP Act of 2002, 42, U.S.C. 5783. The council shall serve as the advisory board for the Juvenile Accountability Block Grant per Title I, Part R of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, 42 U.S.C. 3796ee et seq.

SAG chair

Honorable David Stucki
Interim SAG Chair
P.O. Box 1
Brewster, OH 44613
Phone: 330.844.1211

Organizational structure

Staffed by the Ohio Department of Youth Services




  • Gil Barno
  • Jull Beeler
  • Rick Broderick
  • Monica Ellis
  • Linette Fout
  • Raqueal Howard
  • Yvonne Hunnicutt
  • Kristen Johnson
  • Kendra J. Kec
  • Thomas R. Lipps
  • Mark Mecum
  • Stephen Michael
  • Dave Phalen
  • F. Edward Sparks
  • David E. Stucki
  • Okpara Rice