National map » Wyoming
One-day count
Data in this section show how many youth are detained, committed, or otherwise sleeping somewhere other than their homes per orders of the court on "any given day" in select years. Data is available for the nation and on a state-by-state basis, and are based upon one-day counts of youth in residential placement facilities conducted in 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2013, and 2015. Learn more »
- Please note: Imputation is used to address missing information about youth characteristics including race/ethnicity data. See our About page to learn more
- Due to minor differences in sources for youth population data, rates of detention, commitment and incarceration may vary slightly from those on the Easy Access to Juveniles in Residential Placement website.
Annual decision points
This section includes data at nine key juvenile justice annual decision points. Data are available at the county and state-level, but only for counties that report. This section allows you to view the data from many different angles and all of the data is broken down by race and ethnicity. Learn more »
Case flow diagram
Click on a decision-making point to see the data for that point. Click additional decision-making points to the graph to compare.
Youth population
- 1Comparison of arrest to population is rate per 1,000 youth. All other annual decision points are rate per 100 youth at the prior decision-making point.
- 2Due to differences in how states define arrests and referrals to court, some states may have more referrals to court than arrests.
23 of 23 counties (Why?)
Detention statute
Juvenile courts may hold delinquents in a secure detention facility if the court believes it is in the best interest of the community or the child. After arrest a youth is often brought to the local juvenile detention facility by law enforcement. Juvenile probation officers or detention workers review the case and decide if the juvenile should be held pending a hearing by a judge.
Jurisdiction ages
- 0–17
- Extended Age of Delinquency Jurisdiction: 20
Age of detention
Standard for detention
(a) A child taken into custody shall not be held in detention or placed in shelter care without a court order unless detention or shelter care is required to:
(i) Repealed by Laws 1997, ch. 199, § 3.
(ii) Protect the person or property of others;
(iii) Prevent the child from absconding or being removed from the jurisdiction of the court; or
(iv) Provide the child having no parent, guardian, custodian or other responsible adult with supervision and care and return him to the court when required.
Detention hearing timeline
Wyo. Stat. § 14-6-209.
Within 48 hours of being taken into custody if juvenile detained without court order.
Please email Anna Wong with any updates to contact information for your DMC coordinator, JJS coordinator, or DMC subcommittee chair.
DMC coordinator
Charles "Chuck" R. Kratz
Youth Services of Fremont County
Room 100, Courthouse
450 North 2nd Street
Lander, WY 82520
Phone: 307-332-1085
There is no DMC website
JJS coordinators
Rachel Campbell
Social Services
Phone: 307-777-5218
Nichole Anderson
Social Services
Phone: 307-777-6684
DMC subcommittee chairs
Gary Gilmore
Wyoming Boy's School
Phone: 307-347-6144
Adrienne Frange
Department Chair
Department of Criminal Justice
University of Wyoming
Phone: 307-766-2307
Reform efforts
States that wish to post their most recent three-year plans or share other relevant publications about their reform work should contact Anna Wong. We would be happy to link to relevant documents and information.
DMC reform efforts
Five counties are addressing DMC through JDAI
State plan
There is no link available to the current State Plan
State Advisory Group (SAG)
It is the purpose of this Council to fulfill those mandates of Wyoming Statute 14-10-101 (f)(i-ix) for the State Advisory Council on Juvenile Justice 1997. The Council exists to provide information to the Governor and Legislature on issues regarding juvenile justice.
The State Advisory Council on Juvenile Justice assists in reviewing, recommending existing and new, applicable research and outcome based juvenile accountability programs and strategies ranging from prevention, intervention to long-term detention or treatment programs for youth. In addition we support and facilitate the allocation and use of JAIBG or other state/federal monies to communities to assist them in providing a full range of programs and services that prevent and reduce juvenile delinquency. We do this in partnership with families, schools, communities, law enforcement and other agencies. SACJJ is committed to collaborating with other organizations to create a Juvenile Information System that can collect, produce and analyze data so we might better evaluate existing strategies and services. We are committed to a balanced approach that increases public safety, provides both agency and offender accountability, and affords opportunities for youth to develop into responsible citizens.
SAG chair
Shad Bates
Phone: 307-532-0134
Organizational structure
The State Advisory Council on Juvenile Justice became effective July 1997 as a result of Legislative endorsement. Members are appointed by the Governor, with representation from each Judicial District. The Council is a policy recommending resource to the Governor and is charged with the coordination of juvenile justice planning and development.
Mission Statement
To provide vision, training, and support for a model Juvenile Justice system in Wyoming.
To improve the coordination and effectiveness of statewide and local delinquency prevention, juvenile justice and youth services programs.
Vision Statement: A Wyoming where children and families will receive education, care and support to become responsible, successful citizens.
- Develop prioritized recommendations concerning juvenile justice, delinquency prevention and juvenile services to be reviewed annually,
- to coordinate the implementation of the recommendations,
- to provide for the distribution of available funds for delinquency prevention, juvenile justice, and youth services.
The Council has been instrumental in promoting and partnership in development of community level services focusing on diversion programs and graduated sanction alternatives and statewide data gathering and analysis. These have utilized federal grant awards associated with the Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) and support for the Wyoming County Commissioners Association (WCCA) nonparticipation grant award program. Despite these efforts, a need for appropriate juvenile detention programming remains. This need has been somewhat mitigated by the private for profit Frontier Correctional Systems (FCS) detention programs operating in two locations within the State. Absence of local detention resources generally represents a void in Wyoming's continuum of service for troubled and delinquent adolescents.
- Data
- Leveraging Resources
- Recidivism
- OJJDP Compliance
- Charlene Edwards
- Allison Anderson
- Shad Bates
- Hon. Steven Brown
- Susan Cahill
- Mackenzie Coyne
- Lynne Davies
- Moriah Flores
- Adrienne Freng
- Gary Gilmore
- Sunny Goggles
- Paul Jenkins
- Dorina Kemper
- Neal Madson
- Robert Mayor
- Narnina Nunez
- James Pond
- Les Pozsgi
- Clinton Robinson
- Donald Rardin
- Mark Russler
- Donna Sheen
- Kimberly Sherman
- Bryan Skoric
- Kristina Smith
- Debra Sprague
- Dawnessa Snyder
- Clarence Thomas
- Shaina Ute
- James Whalen
- James Whiting